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Survey finds many parents will be packing school lunches for their kids

By Tara Clow Sep 1, 2023 | 8:48 AM

Will your child be brown bagging it for lunch when the school year begins?

One thousand Canadian parents who have children from Kindergarten to grade 12 who are heading back to school.were surveyed by Field Agent Canada

General Manager Jeff Doucette says most said yes, “Eighty-eight percent of Canadian parents said that they’ll send their kids to school with lunch and snacks. And that’s a big contrast to the US where we run this study as well, where it’s only about 60 percent of families do that.”

He believes there are two reasons, affordability and the fact that full school cafeterias are more prominent in the US.

“Sending your kids to school with lunch money every day gets really expensive really fast. Having parents also mixing it up and having some hot lunch days and some brown bag days might make kids a little bit happier,” Doucette adds.


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