The reluctance to return to the office is real.
A recent poll from Unispace Global found employers are struggling to get employees back into the office.
The Global firm compiled the report entitled ‘Returning for Good’ in partnership with Optimum Research. A total of 9,500 employees and 6,650 business leaders from across 17 countries were polled in April.
It found that half of the workers are in the office four or more days a week, but just 31 per cent like being in the workplace this regularly.
Forty-one per cent of employees currently share a workstation with other employees, but 79 per cent suggested they would be more inclined to head into the office if they were given their own assigned desks.
According to the study, more than half of the employees surveyed feel reluctant to return to the office, with the main factors including a lack of privacy, lower levels of productivity and feeling they are less effective in a busier working environment
It also found, if employers really want Canadian workers back in the office full-time, they might want to consider the benefits of a three-day weekend, as 87 per cent of employees surveyed reported being interested in trialling a four-day workweek.