Residents of Black Sturgeon Lake say they still aren’t being heard by city council.
Philip Burns from the Black Sturgeon Property Owners Association says there are a number of issues that arose in the past few months that they weren’t apprised of.
“Concerned with the level of communication and dialogue between our association and the city,” Burns told city council during a deputation at the open meeting Wednesday night.
“Our association is concerned with water quality, development and density, general set backs on the lake, marinas and docking and of course roads.”
Burns says one of the examples is the approval of an aerodrome on Black Sturgeon.
“A lot of people were very concerned that the city was made aware on the 30th of March but no one else was let know that the application was present until three weeks later.”
Mayor Andrew Poirier says he’s been speaking with some residents of the area and is committed to keeping the lines of communication open.
“There’s been a back and forth exchange. Some of those items I’ve heard from individuals that are part of that organization or live out there. So I was aware of the roads, and getting together, which we’re working on, to have better communications.”
Poirier adds that he has committed to attending the Black Sturgeon Property Owners Association Annual General Meeting next month.