Saint John Police have referred a complaint against a city police officer to the Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) for an independent investigation.
Police were called to an area of Waterloo Street on April 12 around 4 p.m. for an intoxicated man causing a disturbance.
The suspect ran away but was later arrested for obstructing a peace officer and resisting arrest.
The accused later made a formal complaint alleging he was assaulted by one of the officers and was injured.
“The Saint John Police considers complaints involving the use of force serious and we continue to hold our members to the highest standard of accountability in this respect,” said Chief R.M. Bruce.
“We are confident that SiRT will conduct a thorough, independent, and transparent investigation. We are committed to maintaining public trust and confidence.”
Police say the officer will remain on active duty pending the outcome of the SiRT investigation.
SiRT is an investigative agency, independent of the police, whose mandate is to investigate matters that involve death, serious injury, sexual assault and domestic violence or other matters of significant public interest that may have arisen from the actions of any police officer.