CN train crosses the Rainer Bridge into the Minnesota. Image: Randy Thoms
Fort Frances town council is agreeing to join a coalition of Minnesota communities and organizations concerned with CN’s plans to replace the Ranier bridge.
The town was approached last month by the Rainy Lake Property Owners Association.
The cities of Ranier and International Falls have since joined.
Fort Frances council accepted the invitation after getting advice first on whether it was permitted.
But upon joining, council is putting forth certain conditions for its involvement.
“One, that the town is not interested in participating in any litigation matters related to this initiative. Two, the town is not interested in providing any financial contribution to the coalition. Three, the town can exit from the coalition at any time upon 30 days written notice. And four, that formal terms of reference be prepared for and approved by the coalition,” says Mayor Andrew Hallikas.
Councillor David Kircher later added a fifth condition that ensured the coalition accepted the first three conditions before the town to took part.
“They should be conditions if Council decides to participate in the coalition, that the conditions are actually accepted by the coalition as part of our membership. So it’s right there that if something happens that in the event, say, somebody wants to start a lawsuit against the coalition, that condition is there, and then we’re out.”