News of cashless outdoor pools in Moncton this summer has caused concern for some parents and youth.
The YMCA of Greater Moncton will be looking after the operation of Centennial and East End pools for the first time. They have signed a one-year contract with the City of Moncton.
Previously the pools were run by two local swim clubs, the Codiac Vikings Aquatics Club and Club Natation Blue et Or.
Spokesperson Dave Theriault says going cashless was one of the solutions in their assessment of operations, “It’s quite complex when you look at operating outdoor pools. I can’t really get into too much detail with respect to it because it does have to do with some of the risks that we looked at and safety and things like security. We are working very diligently with the city to find some good solutions so that nobody is turned away. That’s our ultimate goal here.”
He says the goal was to get the information out early, in advance of their June 24th opening.
“We want to have a good experience when they come swimming at the pools and we’ll make sure that we do everything we can to have a grace period when we first open. We’re not there to turn people away when they show up with their three or four bucks. It’s to work with them and to make sure that kids have access. We will have seasonal passes and day passes that they can purchase with a card. If this is a barrier for someone, we’re all ears when it comes to trying to find solutions,” Theriault adds.
The YMCA began discussions with the city a couple of weeks ago on plans to operate the two pools, and they say all of the details are still being worked out. What they have said so far is rates for the two pools will remain the same, along with hours of operation, and introduced the plan to go cashless.
They plan to have all of the options posted online over the next couple of months.
“Our goal is to make sure that everyone has access and we’ll work hard to make that happen. So, if there are individuals or families that this(cashless) could be a barrier, we will gladly work with them to make sure that access is both affordable and easy,” Theriault says.
Hiring is still underway as the YMCA continues to look for Lifeguards and other staff that will be needed for the summer months.