The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg announced they will be contributing $15,000 to a tiny home grant program the town of Bridgewater is developing.
Bridgewater created its Tiny Shelter Grant Program in November which aims to financially assist organizations interested in acquiring and hosting a tiny shelter on their property. Initially, Bridgewater planned to start the program with $15,000 on their own, however, after hearing about the program the MODL reached out asking to get involved.
“I want to say a huge thank you to Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson and the councillors from the District of Lunenburg,” said Bridgewater Mayor David Mitchell following the January 16 Town Council meeting at which recent amendments to the policy were finalized.
“This was not prompted – it was the Municipality coming to the Town and saying that they would like to be a part of the program,” he added. “We really appreciate their contribution to the program, and it will have a major positive impact for those struggling to find shelter locally.”
The application process is still being finalized but a spokesperson for the town of Bridgewater said it would be available within the next few weeks.
Once the program is up and running organizations can apply for a grant of up to $2,000 for one season (November 1, 2022 to May 1, 2023) and a grant
of up to $6,000 for three seasons, from 2022-23 to 2024-25.
It’s estimated that building a tiny home in Nova Scotia costs between $10,000-$15,000 excluding costs for site setup, furnishings and utility hookup.
“Currently, there are two tiny shelters in Bridgewater, and we know there have been ongoing conversations for additional tiny shelters with other community partners,” said Mayor Bolivar-Getson. “We believe this jointly funded grant will offer greater assistance to the community organizations helping those in need in the community.”