Nova Scotia is about to redesign the foster care system.
It is called the Mockingbird Family approach already used internationally, in places such as the United Kingdom, Austrailia and the US. It features “constellations”, which are six to ten satellite homes that offer full time care, connected to a central home, or hub.
“After reviewing models used in other jurisdictions, the Department identified Mockingbird Family as our desired approach,” said Community Services Minister Karla MacFarlane. “We think it will be a great fit for Nova Scotia”.
The is idea is that the central home or hub will be a place where children and youth can gather for fun, get peer support and get respite care if the foster caregiver needs a break.
It will create a model that resembles an extended family.
The budget to redesign the system, is $34 million over three years, then $16.7 million annually.
The first two constellations are coming this fall in Halifax and Cape Breton to get some feedback, before expanding the program across Nova Scotia in 2024.