Premier Doug Ford, is being criticized for not wearing a mark at Queen's Park.
The opposition is looking for Premier Ford to put the mask back on.
The Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Kieran Moore this week strongly recommended everyone put a mask on when in indoor public settings. masking for everyone when indoor public settings.
The NDP’s Interim leader Peter Tabuns took aim at the Premier for not masking inside the Legislature on Wednesday.
“The Premier and his government are not following that advice, but they are telling others to follow it. It seems like a classic case of “do as I say, not as I do,” says Tabuns.
Tabuns added more was needed to get others to follow the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s recommendations.
“We need the ambitious flu and COVID-19 vaccination push. We need an advertising blitz to encourage people to mask up and get vaccinated.
We need 10 paid sick days so that people can stay home when they’re sick. We need government members to show personal leadership,” says Tabuns.
Several PC members could be seen not wearing a mask during Wednesday’s Question Period.
Health Minister Sylvia Jones was among those who was. She downplayed the criticism, saying the most important thing we can do is to keep up to date on our vaccinations.
“If you qualify for a booster, get that booster. Get that flu shot. Make sure you protect yourself so that you can protect vulnerable people in our society,” says Jones.
She says her ministry is also working with health care providers to prepare for the increase in patients.
“Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, through a flu season that we anticipated and prepared for, we worked with our hospital partners to make sure that they had sufficient resources, through investments that we’ve made to ensure that we have enough personal support workers, that we’re training and licensing additional RNs and physicians in the province of Ontario who were trained internationally and want to practice here in Ontario.”