There’s a framework for a deal to end the strike at Dalhousie.
Teaching assistants, part-time instructors, markers and demonstrators walked off the job on October 19.
However, both sides confirmed a tentative was reached on Tuesday. The terms will be presented to members of the union and the next step is for this to be agreed upon or ratified by CUPE members and the University’s Board of Governors.
“I’d like to thank the bargaining committee who worked hard on behalf of our members. It’s been a long and difficult journey to achieve this deal,” said Cameron Ells, CUPE 3912 president, “and we couldn’t have done without the solidarity and dedication shown by our membership.”
They have been at odds over pay and job titles but were able to fine some common ground.
“It is expected that a ratification vote will be held as quickly as possible and, if successful, CUPE employees will return to work in the coming days. We will provide more information as these details are confirmed. Dalhousie University offers its thanks to the members of both bargaining teams for their efforts in reaching this outcome,” said Chris Hattie
Assistant Vice-President Human Resources (Acting).
A vote will take place on the new contract later this week.