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Sporting Socieity donates new audio system for Lunenburg Arena

By Evan Taylor Sep 15, 2022 | 1:23 PM

The Lunenburg Arena will get a new sound system this year thanks to a donation from the The Lunenburg Area Minor Hockey & Sporting Society. Photo: CKBW Files

The Lunenburg Area Minor Hockey & Sporting Society announced two donations at their latest meeting.

The organization aims to support sports programs from around the region and remove financial barriers that prevent some children from participating in organized sports.

The first donation was a cash contribution to the Bluenose Academy that will go towards supporting sports programs and offsetting the associated costs.

Lunenburg Area Minor Hockey & Sporting Society President Jamie Green says given the financial situation being faced across Canada right now support like this is needed more than ever. “With two years of organizations essentially unable to fundraise it’s important now to try and get things back to normal and ensuring that parents aren’t met with even higher sports fees that limit some kids from being able to participate,” Green said.

The second donation will see the Sporting Society foot the entire bill for a new state-of-the-art sound system at the Lunenburg Arena.

The building is owned by the town and Green says an enhanced sound system will benefit everyone who uses it.

“It hasn’t been updated since 1997, so anyone that’s been in will know it’s not very clear, crackly and it just isn’t what it once was so when the new system is up and running the audio experience for things like hockey games and public skates will be majorly improved.”.

The new sound system is set to be installed in the first week of October, meaning it should be ready just shortly after the ice goes in.



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