A new flag football league is being organized in Fort Frances.
It is aimed at students entering grades seven and eight.
The town’s Recreation and Culture Manager, Tyler Young, is helping to get it started.
“There’s going to be approximately 32 participants in the program split up into teams of eight. And it’s going to be a league in that they’re going to play games with each other. But for us, it’s more of an introduction to football,” says Young. “We want people to come out in a safe environment, learn about football. It’s non-contact. No experience is needed, but what it will do is allow people to come out and learn about the sport and then hopefully, from there, they can continue and play football, or they can move into other contact sports down the road.”
Boys and girls are permitted.
Play will begin September 13, every Tuesday and Thursday until October 6.
Young says the plan is to have four teams, with play starting in mid-September.
There are a few spots still open.
Contact the Memorial Sports Centre to register or click here.
The cost is 20 dollars per child.