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Maritime Premiers meet with Ontario’s Doug Ford to talk healthcare solutions

Aug 22, 2022 | 5:14 PM

Premier Tim Houston. Photo: screengrab of Maritime Premiers

Premier Tim Houston says healthcare professionals are more accepting of  “necessary collaboration” than ever before.

Maritime Premiers met with Ontario’s Doug Ford today in New Brunswick for a summit on healthcare, where Tim Houston shared his thoughts on innovative solutions.

Houston says, in the past healthcare professions have been territorial over the services they provide, but that seems to be changing.

“I think you’re seeing scopes expand… I think you’re seeing a level of collaboration… across the [healthcare] spectrum where the different trainings, different disciplines can support each other,” Houston said during a media availability Monday.

He went on to say there’s a seat for everyone at the table, and he thinks many healthcare professions and groups are willing to take that seat now.

Houston echoed Ontario Premier, Doug Ford’s sentiment that the best solutions come from those in the industry.

Nova Scotian’s could soon see see doctors, nurses and pharmacists pitch pilot programs that could ease our province’s healthcare woes, Houston said.

“There’s an open-mindedness that creates an opportunity,” Houston said.

The premiers were also questioned on the rollout of funding for a federal dental program, announced in April, at the media availability.

Houston said he’s waiting to hear from the federal government whether our province can rely on that funding in the future.

“If it’s just to get a short-term headline and creates more funding issues and pressures down the road that cause other elements of service delivery to have to decline to keep [the dental program] up, then nobody wants to get there.”

Houston said he didn’t want to speculate on how the program would roll out,

Houston said the goal is admirable and he agrees with it, but the details are important.

“I’d rather hear directly on what the options are [from the federal government] and why a certain option has been selected.”


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