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One of the buses in the Saint John Transit fleet. Image: staff photo

Major uptown transit changes due to construction

By Brad Perry Aug 13, 2024 | 10:44 AM

Construction on Charlotte Street in Saint John will impact several transit stops uptown starting Aug. 26.

Saint John Transit will not be able to service stops at King’s Square North, King Street, Charlotte Street or City Hall at the bottom of King Street.

As a result, temporary stops will be set up at two locations — one on Water Street and another on King Street East.

Buses 1E, 3E, 9E, 20, 33, 35, 52, 1W, 3N, 9N, 15W, 21 and 23 will stop and transfer passengers at King Street East between Sydney and Carmarthen streets.

Buses 1W, 3N, 9N, 15W, 23 1E, 3E, 9E, 15S and 23 will stop and transfer passengers on Water Street between Market Square and Princess Street.

As for the detour routes, buses leaving uptown heading north (3N, 9N and 23) and west (1W and 15W) will leave King Street East, turn right on Carmarthen Street, right on to Broad Street along Water Street to St. Patrick Street to their regular route.

The southbound bus (21) will leave King Street East, turn right on Carmarthen Street, right on Duke Street to the regular route

Eastbound buses (1E, 3E, 9E, 33, 35 and 52) leaving King Street East will turn right onto Sydney Street to their regular route.

The northbound bus (20) leaving King Street East will turn right onto Sydney Street to the regular route.

Detours are expected to be in place for eight weeks, according to the city. You can view a map of the detours on the city’s website.

Editor’s note: The transit detours were initially set to begin on Aug. 19. In an update on Thursday, the city said the new date would be Aug. 26.