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Moncton Headstart celebrating 50 years

By Tara Clow May 1, 2024 | 1:31 PM

Moncton Headstart is the only full-service early child and family intervention centre in Atlantic Canada.

It was launched 50 years ago by Claudette Bradshaw and is being celebrated on May 24th.

“She started something that endures to this day,  it’s a remarkable legacy,” Executive Director Caroline Donelle says.

A gala will be held at the Moncton Coliseum with guest speaker Dr. Bruce D. Perry MD, PhD. He’ll provide a pre-recorded video presentation on the Impact of Abuse, Neglect and Trauma on the Developing Brain and the Importance of Early Child and Family Intervention on vulnerable children.

Comedian James Mullinger will Emcee, followed by dinner and other entertainment.

“Since 1974, we figure about 10,000 families have come through the door. In a perfect world, there wouldn’t be a Moncton Headstart but the world is far from perfect. And there are a lot of families that do require this kind of specialized support. So we’re really glad we exist because, for a lot of families, there’s nowhere else that they could go,” Donelle adds.

Moncton Headstart is not a fully funded organization. The money they do receive comes partly from the Ministry of Education and Early Childhood Development.

“We’re always trying to fill in the gaps. We had to retire one of our buses last fall because it was basically on its last legs and was costing us a fortune to keep on the road. So we’re hoping eventually we’ll be able to purchase another bus,” Donelle says.

To purchase tickets to the upcoming gala, visit the Moncton Headstart website.