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A new survey from research and analytics firm Leger shows a changing attitude towards immigration here in Canada.
The survey of a little over 1,500 people conducted last month shows a drop from 17 percent in March of 2022 to 9 percent in November of this year in the number of Canadians who would like to welcome more immigrants to the country.
With 43 percent wanting to see the same amount as in the past, and 48 percent wanting to see fewer immigrants, a majority of that 48 percent is made up of respondents with conservative leanings and those aged 55 and older.
Currently, the Trudeau government plans to increase immigration from 465,000 people this year, to 485,000 next year, further upping the number to 500,000 in 2025.
A little over half of those surveyed believe the plan will admit too many people into Canada.
While 1 in 4 Canadians say while immigration contributes to the country’s cultural diversity, the same amount feel the increase in the number of immigrants is contributing to the housing crisis and increasing pressure on the health care system.
However, on the topic of Ukrainian immigrants, 54 percent believe those who came to Canada under the emergency visa program, due to the continued military invasion by Russia, should be allowed to stay permanently.