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Becky Druhan, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development

New documents show 17,000 violent incidents in schools last year

By Steve MacArthur Oct 25, 2023 | 1:30 PM

A policy review is underway due to an alarming uptick of violence in schools.

Education Minister Becky Druhan says her department is looking to see if changes are needed in the student code of conduct policy so it supports staff when they need to deal with these situations.

The NDP recently released the results of access to information requests showing there were over 17,000 last year – the highest number in six years.

The incidents are defined as “using force, gesturing or inciting others to use force” and most of them are happening in Grade 6 classes and under.

Nova Scotia Teachers Union President Ryan Lutes says people should be shocked by the increase and is calling on the on government to do something about it.

Druhan says if there is violence in schools, it needs to be eliminated and as they need to be safe places.