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KDMA ready for a kickstart

By Tim Davidson Oct 19, 2023 | 2:37 PM

Local municipalities are trying to kick start the Kenora District Municipal Association.

KDMA president, Ear Falls mayor Kevin Kahoot, says mayors and councillor met last week in Dryden to discuss plans for the new year including the Annual General Meeting.

“We have a lot of new faces around the KDMA table now and with the way COVID has been over the past several years we’ve been off and on as far as meetings go.” says Kahoot.

“It’s good chance to re-start and re-focus and re-align with what issues we want to advocate for.”

Kahoot adds KDMA is important as it can be a strong voice for advocacy on specific issues for the district.

“We’ve restructured our meeting schedule. We’re going to take a bigger role as far as advocating on our behalf and not be as reliant on NOMA (the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association) for issues that affect the Kenora District.”

Kahoot says Kenora has agreed to host the next KDMA convention, which take place on February 8th, 9th and 10th.