Source: Antigonish Jazzfest
The line-up for the Antigonish Jazzfest has been announced!
Set to take place next month, headliners include Toronto based, Juno award winners, Avataar, and the Worst Pop Band Ever.
The Saturday night Headliner is California-based The Headhunters.
“The lineup for the 2023 Antigonish Jazzfest will again bring the highest caliber of music to our town. These acts are accessible and fun, and we’re excited and proud to host them in
Antigonish this Fall.” says Paul Tynan, StFX Music Department Chair and Artistic Director for the Festival.
The lineup also includes other acts from across the Maritimes, as well as community groups, even music professors from St. FX.
The festival runs from November 16 to 18th.
Go to antigonishjazzfest.ca for more details.