The provincial opposition is worried about the upcoming ‘CAT’ ferry study.
Public Works Minister Kim Masland announced new firm ’21 FSP’ were awarded the contract for $180,000.
The firm was formed in July, and is co-founded by former Conservative Deputy Minister Ron L’Esperance.
Liberal leader and Yarmouth MLA Zach Churchill wonders why the government picked a company that nobody has heard about.
“I’m worried that the Conservatives have picked two friendly people that are just going to do their bidding, and not give this a fair shake. I hope I’m wrong, especially for the sake of our economy and tourism in Nova Scotia,” said Churchill.
Masland said the two individuals in the company are reputable and know the province well.
Being from the South Shore, she says she sees people coming from the ferry, but there has to be a comprehensive study done.
Churchill says he thinks the study is about politics, and not what’s best for taxpayers.
“They’ve spent billions outside their own budget on other things. This is the one issue where they bear down and do an economic analysis. I just don’t buy it.”
The study is expected to be completed next fall.