Time Equities who own the South Shore Centre are planning major renovations for their facilities around Bridgewater's downtown waterfront. Photo: Evan Taylor
Time Equities Inc. which owns the South Shore Centre in Bridgewater will present plans for major redevelopments of the town’s waterfront at the next town council meeting.
Zzap Architecture and Planning have partnered with Time Equity for the project and are leading the design process.
According to a release, the two firms are seeking to reimagine the underutilized site by adding a new commercial and residential component to the existing mall structure. A key component of this concept will be to reconnect the residents of Bridgewater to the shores of the iconic Lahave River by providing a new, fully accessible waterfront public space.
Plans for the 16-acre site include; a wide, landscaped trail, various types and forms of seating throughout such as benches and hammocks; space for public art; outdoor dining and space for play structures.
The plans to renovate the existing mall structure include plans to add a 6-8 story residential facility.
Bridgewater is experiencing a real renaissance and by creating a new, vibrant centre on the waterfront this will transform the downtown. This is a town known for attracting both seniors and young families who are proud of Bridgewater’s sustainable reputation and we are looking forward to collaborating with local community leaders and residents to bring the Bridgewater Waterfront.
– Nick Stavros, Time Equities
If approved, development partners believe that their plans will help weave the two sides of the river together with complementary public spaces on each riverbank resulting in more opportunities for active transportation network connections.

A map showing the current footprint of the South Shore Centre facilities in Bridgewater, NS. Photo: South Shore Centre.
Creating walkable, mixed-use communities close to amenities is key to meeting the daily living needs of residents of all ages. As locals would understand, there are multiple benefits resulting from this concept for Bridgewater, such as reduced GHG emissions, reduced road congestion, and reduced parking demand. This will create an entirely new hub for the town.
-Greg Zwicker, Lead Planner. Zzap Architecture and Planning.
Opposite the South Shore Centre on the other side of the LaHave River is Pijinuiskaq Park which the developers hope will see increased use, as a result of the improvements being made on the other side of the river.
The developers indicated the plan will be submitted to town council this week with the first presentation of the plan scheduled for the February 13 Bridgewater town council meeting.