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Public Comment Sought On Disposal Of Radioactive Waste

By Randy Thoms Aug 29, 2022 | 9:51 AM

The Nuclear Waste Management Organization has drafted a report on the disposal of low and medium-level radioactive waste.

Karine Glenn from the NWMO says medium-level waste can include a number of different products.

“That includes nuclear medicine…industrial applications,” explains Glenn. “There are many industrial applications outside of nuclear power generation that use radioisotopes, and they result in some waste as well.”

Glenn suggests there are gaps in the system, and they want to close them.

“There are long-term plans in place for about 84% of all of Canada’s radioactive waste. We just have to come up with plans for the remaining 16 percent.”

Glenn says the low-level waste can be disposed of at existing facilities, but medium waste might have to be sent to a deep geological repository.

The public comment period is open for 60 days.

The document can be found at https://radwasteplanning.ca.


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